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Making Lewisham a Borough of Sanctuary

Our mission

Everyone deserves a safe place to live, where they can thrive, build the life they want and get help when they need. But the government is creating a hostile environment for many people living in our communities, by pursuing policies that divide and exclude people with migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Make Lewisham a safe place for all by joining the Lewisham Borough of Sanctuary movement!

The Borough of Sanctuary movement is part of the national City of Sanctuary movement, which aims to create a network of towns and cities throughout the UK that are proud to be places of safety and inclusion for people seeking sanctuary.

New to Lewisham?

Find resources including a Welcome Pack in multiple languages here.

The Lewisham Migration Forum

We coordinate our efforts to continue creating a true Borough of Sanctuary through the Lewisham Migration Forum (LMF) which is chaired by Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network

Our aims for the Borough of Sanctuary are to:

  • Challenge and campaign for migrant rights and against the ‘hostile environment
  • Celebrate the contribution refugee, asylum seeker and migrant communities bring to the borough of Lewisham
  • Raise awareness about some of the issues these communities face
  • Facilitate training for local businesses and organisations to ensure they can offer a service which is welcoming to all migrants
  • Be inclusive throughout the process by listening and engaging with people with lived experience, community organisations, statutory services, faith groups, businesses and much more.

We want to make sure that Lewisham is a borough where:

  • Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants are treated with respect, dignity and equality
  • A fair, humane and effective process is in place to support migrant communities
  • An empathetic, people centred approach is in place
  • Co-production and collaborative processes are valued, to engage the wider community and migrant communities
  • The barriers to integration and interaction within the community are removed.

How to get involved:

  1. Get a Sanctuary Award and sign our pledge

  2. Subscribe to the Lewisham Migration Forum newsletter to attend meetings

  3. Follow us on Twitter @LewishSanctuary

Useful links

Pledge your support

Our Vision

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Lewisham Migration Forum